Today I started, what hopes to be many more days of crafts! Thanks to my gracious friend Rachel, I have many ideas of crafts! I'm trying to get in the holiday spirit! It's harder this year! But it will come! I love these holidays!
Today Aidan and I made trees with real leaves. He enjoyed going outside to search for "priddy" leaves! His next favorite thing was to pour the glue on the page! But soon enough Elmo's World won out over the second picture but he did a GREAT job of recanting to Daddy how he made his picture!
The other picture shown is just more proof of how our "baby" cuddles his bottle everynight. I am planning to dedicate a whole scrapbooking page (ya know when I get around to doing it when they are 30!) to pictures of how he cuddles his "ba-ba". Asher has developed a fondness of reading now. He will go toddler over and grab his Book of Words and crawl up on the couch in my lap. He will look intently while I say what each picture is! He will then point to each one and say "Ball, Ball, Ball etc"! Too cute! He has started doing the cutest thing! Whenever he hears an unfamilar loud sound (like fire trucks or ducks quacking) he will get an intense look of excitement on his face and shiver like a cold chill is going down his spine. It kinda worried me at first to tell ya the truth but now I realize he is just unfamiliar with a lot of sounds! Another cute/gross event I have to add in here is he is not all smarts and cutes. I turned my back to fix lunch this morning and he proceeded to open the trash can and eat the popcorn from last night out of it! EW!
Speaking of sounds...Mat and I faintly heard the icecream truck coming around 6pm tonight. I had bought Aidan some new shoes ($1.80 from Dollar General..score!). We decided to talk really loud and distract him with the new shoes. So as we were loudly blabbing just so he wouldn't hear it, Aidan says "Mommy, I no want icecream" Oooo Busted mama and daddy!
1 comment:
Too cute! I wish I had the patience to scrapbook! I get to obsessive with those mega fancy ones that people do now-a-days that probably cost $10-20 per page with all of the pieces! They look so neat, but it looks like so much work! lol I prefer digital scrapbooking, in fact I did three whole pages. In December. Of 2005. Ah jeez, anyway, Ashie is storing it away girl. He's storing those words away, just soaking them up. Caleb did that his entire second year (from 1-2), he never even attempted to talk! I know what you mean about being concerned!
Yup, busted on the ice cream truck, that's hilarious! That he even knew why you were trying to be loud! hahaha If Caleb hears paper rattling, he comes a running, and we stop chewing and stare at him. He says "Hey what you eating?" Not much gets past them does it?!
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