Wednesday, November 28, 2007

I'm so lonesome I could cry!

Yai-Yai and La-La came and got the boys for the night. A night to myself to do whatever I want...AND I HATE IT! I miss them soo bad! This is the first time I've been away from both of them! They've never taken Ashie before. Mat spent the night at Mom's with them before while I worked late but that was a different story.

Tonight I walked quietly up the stairs, not to wake them, I sulked as I walked past their empty room (which I closed the door to make me feel better), I bought all their fav foods at Walmart, I feel like I need to turn the TV down, I ran to the truck to get the groceries for not to leave them in the house for long. Waaaah I hate this!

So mom's night off and what did I do? Go to Walmart!! Woohoo! I walked through the toy aisle not running, I STOOD in the card aisle and READ every card I wanted and then re-read them, I got out of the truck in 2.5secs instead of 20.5 mintues, I chose a long line to stand in just because I could, I looked around as I waited and listened to all the merry customers bitching and not standing there saying, sit down, stop crying, don't touch that.

Oh! Is it tomorrow yet? So I can wish they were back at Grandmas again! ;-)

1 comment:

Rachel said...

aaaaaaawe bless your heart! I have never been away from him overnight. Hell I worry about leaving for an hour with someone other than Scott. Which Ive done all of maybe three times ever. Yeah I need therapy. I'm the one with the separation anxiety. The part about walking thru the toys and picking the long line read like a greeting card! It becomes this really strange sensation to get out of the car quickly when you're a mom! There was a guy waiting in the car at best buy today. I know he was watching how much shit I dragged out. Stroller kid snack bag sippy hot wheel charley purse phone keys box with camera........ He must have been laughing 10 minutes later as I pushed the stroller 1 handed with the camera held like a pizza for delivery!

I hope all of the boys will be back soon!