Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Operation Potty Train- Day 2

To those of you who don't care about my son's bowel movements please feel free to skip the following paragraph! :-)
So today was a little bit of a set back but it still went good! We had 3 accidents. Though to give him credit, he knew he had messed up. Everytime he had an accident he would say "Oops! It's ok Mommy. Don't worry mommy! I don't need panties". At least he didn't pee and not say anything. The best moment is when we walked over to Hollywood Video to get Shrek 3. I asked him before we left the store if he need to go. He said yes (though I think it was the excitement of using a new bathroom) and said "I do it". So I pulled down his pants and he went into the stall and closed the door as I peeked through the slot. He went pee pee all by himself!

Ashie-poo has learned to test the limits! He recently started scurrying up on the coffee table and looking at me, pointing his finger and saying "Dit Don" (get down). He says "No" to everything!! Except bedtime. I say "ashie do you want to go nigh-nigh?" and he scurries over to the baby gate in the kitchen and reaches up and says "Ba-Ba" then grabs it and toddles over to the steps. He also runs from me. Lately he picks EVERY little thing off the floor and says something to the effects of here, whats this, eww, yuck. But he is still my cuddler! And I LOVE it!

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