Monday, November 12, 2007

Operation Potty Train- Day 1

So this week is "get Aidan potty trained week"! I know he is ready we BOTH have been to lazy to actually do it! Today went great! Before if he was naked, then he would pee and poop. But I was determined to cover those parts and really potty train. So today he wore underwear all day and went pee and poop in the potty ALL DAY! Then he played outside in his underwear and jeans and he still came inside to go potty. I can't express how proud I am of him!!!! We've gone through LOTS of sugar- free candy today but he did GREAT! I'm so suprised though. I went to Wal-mart today and bought extra underwear because I fiqured I would go through 5 pairs just today! But no accidents! He did wear a diaper to Wal-mart and during nap-time...but babysteps is what we are doing! Check back tomorrow for more potty details...I know your biting your nails with anticipation! ;-)

1 comment:

Rachel said...

I read somewhere to put a diaper on over undies if you are going out, and don't want to plan for/deal with an accident. That way he can still feel that he is wet and needs to be 'changed' but you don't have a mess to clean up, or need fresh clothes. PS I'm so jealous! This PT tip brought to you by a mom who hasn't even bother to start! lol He is showing slightly more interest on the potty, but mainly just talking about it. He still won't sit for more than about two seconds before he springs back up. He says pee goes in the potty but not poopy. I don't know where he thinks it is supposed to go!