Monday, November 26, 2007

Oh Boys!

I got Santa Clause 3 today! Knowing Aidan's fascination with him I thought he love it! Well in one part the reindeer are pooting...I've prob had to rewind that part at least 12 times. He laughs so hard he can't catch his breath! Thanks to Go Dog Go (read 1,258,982 times) Aidan can now spell DOG! ANd this is random but I want to look back and see what they were doing at this age....When Aidan is tired he sucks his thumb and rubs his (or preferably someone else's) ear. Yesterday Aidan told me "mommy, it's AshER not Ashie". HAHA too late son, his name is Ashie lol.

Ashie's new word of the day is....Phom (phone). He picks up his play cell phone when he wakes up and doesn't get off till he goes to bed!! He says "Hewo?" and "Goobye!" He also LOVES TO SING! When we are in the car he is just back there singing away, radio or not! When Ashie is tired he twirls the hair on top of his head. Today Asher ran from across the room with his hands out in front of him and pushed Aidan to the ground....the knock down drag out is coming....I've included a picture of last nights fight!

Sometimes I hate that I can't capture all they say and do into words. These boys are so special to me and they are growing and learning everyday! It's just the little things they do! Like when Ashie runs away on his tiptoes with this cute scrunchie face. Or when Aidan places his "baby" in the highchair with a cookie on one side and a sippee cup on the other. I'm just so proud of them, how smart they are, how caring they are, and overall how HAPPY precious boys they are!!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

I love how you wrote that "the reindeer pooting." I can almost hear you giggling trying to say it outloud! You know me, I love toilet humor. If it involves gas, I'm a'laughin! Caleb likes to announce it to the entire room, claim it, if you will. He starts laughing and says Mommy I POOTED! He did that on a metal chair at his birthday party and I started crying I was laughing so hard. He wasn't talking then, but he sure knew to laugh as soon as he did it. Ahhh good times. I even bought Scott a game for Christmas called Gassy Gus. The gist is, the food cards have assigned gas point values. Gus is sitting in a recliner with a TV tray in front of him, you pump his head up and down according to your card's point value, which in turn inflates his stomach ('s a balloon under his shirt). If you make Gus fart, you have to collect more cards or something. I have been DYING to blog about it, but I don't want Scott to see it! I was so excited, I have taken it out to place with it. Twice. LMAO Okay I'm done talking about gas. For now.