Saturday, April 19, 2008


So I saw this family with a double stroller at the air show that I have NEVER seen before. I stalked them until I could approach them with the question "WHERE DID YOU GET THAT!!!" I was so excited! It looked awesome, you could push or pull and the lady was telling me alll about it! You can even fit carseats in them for airplane travel. This would be PERFECT I thought! We are traveling to Disney World next April (my excitement is unbearable!!! this is my dream to go to WDW with my OWN kids!!!). So of course I have been researching it all night! Our double stroller now is used almost daily and needs to retire to the dumpster! It pulls to the right and doesn't evenly distribute all their weight! But after my research I found that it's more trouble than it's worth but I will be checking up on this to see if any corrections will be made to it! I was just so excited I had to include it on my blog!!

Birthday Fun!

Since I worked 8:30am-after 7pm on my birthday....I decided to celebrate with my babies today! I had woken up (6:40am-ugh but wide awake) starting to clean and planning my chores for the day...laundry, walmart shopping and bill paying. Then errrrrk! What am I thinking! We are just going to have a funday today!!!!!!! All play no work!

We started off at the gas station (hahaha I know the fun never ends in a small town). I didn't have any coffee (aka diet Pepsi Max) at home so I had to stop and get one! So I told the boys they could choose whatever they wanted. "What no water??" I'm sure their taste buds were thinking lol! Of course they choose some nasty blue sugary drink in a fun bottle! Then I decided very last minute to take them to the Air Show at the airport. SO WORTH IT!! Christy, you should def go!!! Just seeing everything through their eyes was priceless! All different kinds of airplanes put on all sorts of air shows, the motorcycles did stunts (be still Ashie's heart), we got to walk in all different kinds of planes from fed-ex to military planes, and course they had a neat kiddie area. It was well worth the 10 dollars, 20 minute wait to park, 30 minute bathroom line, scorching hot soon!

We then came home to fun in the sprinkler and washing the truck. Of course I was using a rag and soap on one side and I looked and the boys were using rags and muddy water for the other side....did I get one picture of any of this of course not ;-)

Monday, April 14, 2008


So everyone remembers our dear friend and former neighbor Minnie right? OK, so she calls me tonight and says that she just talked with her best friend. The best friends grandson's legs went out on him this weekend! Just like what happened to Asher in November! The doctors kept him in the hospital for 3 days and couldn't find anything wrong other than he couldn't walk!!!! Very werid.....

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Azalea Fest Weekend

We had a GREAT tiome at Azalea fest this weekend! I met up with my girl Anita, whom I haven't seen in a while! We had a fun time walking through the street fair, braving the kiddie park and ending our search for some ever wanted ice-cream! I appreciate all her help with making sure the kids had fun despite their grump moods haha! Of course I put lotion on the kids and didn't on myself. I used to get away with this but having kids has changed my skin. So I'm sporting the sunglass, t-shirt, and flip flop burn!

I also found out that Aidan knows a lot more than I realized. I was loading things in the car when Aidan climbed into the driver's seat and grabbed my keys I had thrown into the seat. He chose the right key and started that baby right up! Didn't turn it over or anything!! I was shocked. So next time you see that three year old on the highway driving, please call me lol! He also can repeat every word to the Dora the Explorer DVD. Usually I use DVD time to clean, etc so I rarely sit down. But tonight I did and he spit out sentence after sentence before they said it. So two things I learned this weekend: 1. Keep keys out of site 2. Turn off the TV Bad mommy! lol

But tomorrow is back to work and I will miss them TERRIBLY!!!

Anita I stole these from your MS ;-)

Monday, April 7, 2008

First Day!

I AM POOPED LOL! Our day started at 5:30am. The kids were groggy but excited! I got them up at about 6:30am. OF COURSE for the past weekish they have been sleeping till 8:30am!! So this was an early rise for them! Work went great! I trained on a laptop alll day and, observed, and did some transactions myself. Pretty much same schedule all week. The kids seemed to love "Granny's". This woman looks nothing like a granny (prob in early 50's)! Aidan, my non-napper, took TWO naps!!! Asher my good napper, took zero! So Aidan was worn out and Ash was so excited he didn't want to sleep! lol But she said they were good, really good! I was like Huh? My kids?!!! lol! So that eased my mind a lot! I sure did miss them a lot but then again I sure did love being around adults!

So lunches are packed, clothes laid out for tomorrow, and soccer gear all bagged up. Another even longer day tomorrow! :-)

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Never Turn Your Back on a 19 month old

(I don't know why in every picture I take, my house looks like a tornado hit and there are always some underwear on the floor hahaha)

Friday, April 4, 2008

FINALLY off the ba-ba

OK whew! I feel better! So tonight was FINALLY Ashie's first night off the bottle!! Today at naptime (which never happened) we threw away the ba-ba's and said good bye to them. I thought the big ceremony would help- no Super Nanny it didnt! He cried for two hours plus! Usually his bedtime isbetween 7 and 8pm. He is finally asleep at 10:50! Of course I try everything and he will not go to sleep. Mat comes home and puts him right to bed!!! Of course it was becuase all the crying wore him out! Right!? lol

Speaking of Mat and the kids. So today I had to go sign some papers at BB and T. Mat had gotten off early and was here to stay with the kids. It's been a looong time since he has been with the kids by himself lol. When I got home they had each others clothes on (put on by him), nothing REMOTELY matched, and Aidan was sleeping in the middle of the living room (which isnt out of the ordinary!). Oh this is going to be interesting! He is going to have to take a lot of the responsibility when I go back to work. He gets off earlier and on fridays he ususally gets off at about noon. So he's going to do all the picking up.


WHY DON'T MY KIDS SLEEP ANYMORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I know they have spoiled me for so long!!!! No naps and its 10:09pm!! AHHHHHHHHHH

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Hanging up the SAHM apron

:-( :-( :-( :-( I'm not looking forward to this but it's something that has to be done. We've cut back alot but cannot make it anymore on one income. So yes I am returning to the working world. Granted I am exicted about adult interaction and getting the kids socialize (which they VERY much need!!!) This all happened very fast but I am thankful to find a great in home daycare with a great price! I got offered the job at my interview. I am going to work at BB and T, starting on Monday. So I'll have my weekends and nights off! Tonight I'm depressed about it, tomorrow I'll be excited lol! Oh well, we will just take one day at a time! I think Aidan will be ok about it. I talk to him about it everyday and all day he asks if we are going to "school" now! Ashie on the other hand might have a panic attack! He does well at Play Date (the drop in child care I may use once a month or so when I'm in need!) but I don't think he is going to like this at first! Just keep us in your prayers as we make this new adjustment.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Go Ashie, Go Ashie...Go Go Go Go!

As i have mentioned before, my Ashie loves to dance. Let's just check out some of his skills

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Blog about food

Aidan and I have been reading green eggs and ham. So I decided to make green eggs this morning. AS DISGUISTING as it looks, Aidan thought it was neat but didn't dive into them like he usually does!!

The other photo is Asher eating yogurt all by himself. Ignore the laundry strown all over the floor, today was spring cleaning day! I scored a bunch of shelving (we have zero closet space) at a yard sale for 3 bucks, so I decided to spruce things up!

Friday, March 28, 2008

More talk about the A Team!

The boys can't stay the same way for too long! All my worrying and gripping about Aidan has diminished! So maybe it was a phase! Oops! lol He is a much better little boy! His fits have lessend and his anger seems to have subsided! I think I just have a very emotional, moody, dramatic little son! He has become quite the little eater! He finshes his meals completely and never complains about food, unless it's green beans! You can't fill him up thats for sure! I love that he still wants me to cuddle with him. I love how he is not a morning person and I need to leave him alone for a few minutes while he fully wakes up. I love how he comes up with such grown up sentences. I love how excited he gets over bugs and lizards!

Asher is my sweet sweet mama's boy! Though when it comes to eating his appetite has become non-exsistent! Yes, I know, he may look like he eats 6 meals a day but that's not true! He picks at his meals and I'm lucky if he finishes one thing on his plate! Aidan has stopped getting in bed with us in the middle of the night and now Asher has started. But I don't complain anymore. I love it and feel lost if he doesn't! I love when I get up to go to the bathroom and he wraps his small arms around my neck and says "way down way down mama". I love how the other day Aidan was calling for help as I was getting ready in the bathroom and Ash was sitting on the floor reading a book. Ash hops up and says "I coming broder I coming broder" and runs to see what Aidan needs. I love how he calls me "hunny" when I'm not answering right away! I just love my boys! I felt like gooshing!!!

Aidan vs. Asher

Today I decided to have a manly tea party with the boys (hey I will most likely never have a girl so let me have my fun!) We got their stuffed animals together and they loved it! Asher was so cute feeding his "baby" with the plastic spoon and giving the baby a "baba" when he was thirsty. He took care of each of his babies like this! He is going to make a great daddy! Aidan on the other hand threw his babies on the floor and went to crashing his cars. Ahhh siblings!

It was so beautiful all day we started playing outside at about 9am! This afternoon we took a walk to the grandmas and enjoyed a nice afternoon there! Asher went on a long walk with me and Yai-Yai. He was sooo good! Talking and singing and joining in the conversation with us. Aidan stayed behind to help La-La make a flower bed and collect bricks. He will have such a green thumb when he gets older! He certainly hasn't learned any of this from his parents! lol Everyday I've been trying to take a nice pic of the two of them to put as my myspace page. So far no luck!

Thursday, March 27, 2008


So I've been on the computer a lot less than normal. I'm trying to steer away because I'm really on it way too much! But ok so the REAL reason is John and Kate plus 8. We have no cable, only bunny ears. So my mom taped all the Jon and Kate plus 8's (and 4 tapes of Noggin). I AM ADDICTED!!! Mat and I put the kids to bed and scramble to put the next tape in! It's great! Most of all, it makes me think I should never ever complain about my two kids!!! Mat will be working this weekend so I will catch up on our busy week!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Oh I forgot!

The BEST part of my Easter! I got a framed Easter picture of the boys! AT first I thought it was professional!! I was like WHEN did they do this??? The boys have never been away from me that long! lol! But I found out they did it one day when the boys were playing at grandmas and I snuck away to throw a load of laundry in! But it was soooooooo cute!! Just the idea of it too! They threw a white sheet in the background, put La-La's bunny (Sassy) in a basket and added some Easter eggs! I'll have to show you when I scan the pic in! They did it all at home!

Happy Easter 2008

First of all let me say how blessed I am to have everyone in my life that I do! For the most part we are healthy and happy and I was happy to them of everyone while celebrating Easter with my own family!

We started off the morning with a visit from the Easter bunny! As Ash would say the Easter Buda Buda Bunnkneee! They got lots of goodies such as a Bunny Mr. Potato head, a kiddie pool for the summer, Alphabet letters for the tub (score with mommy there!), soccer balls, a new monk-monk, and lots of ends and odds! Ashie had the best time going through his things! Paul was diappointed this morning to wake up and see that the EB had not come. So mom called us over real fast only to find out the EB put the baskets in a different room! :-) No soccer goals were constructed this weekend due to lack of parts, so the orange cones worked well!

We then went to church. For the first time they had children's church! We usually have about 4-5 kids including was about 15!! So that was a hoot! Asher stepped up to hold the picture of Jesus and quickly thru him to the ground when he saw the stuffed bunnies! Everyone laughed as the associate pastor apologized to Jesus and blamed it on one of his heavenly children. I had children's church today so we had a massive egg hunt! It was fun but chaotic! I enjoyed hearing what each kid got for Easter. Including the 5ish boy who got an IPOD!!!! I dont even dream of getting one!!! lol I then passed out the Jelly Bean Prayer bags Aidan and I made (ok I made and he ate) lol.

We then came home to another Easter egg hunt, dying eggs, and yummy lunch made by mom! The boys loved having their cousin Paul there! Paul is like an idol to them. For example Paul clubbed Ash with the plastic golf club on accident as he swung for the ball. Didnt phase Ash! He just stared at Paul's next move lol!

I'm sure there is more that I missed but my horrible allerges and sun burnt face says I need to go to bed!!! God Bless!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Out of the Mouth of Babes

Yesterday we found a park here in our new town. They kids had a great time and it was something different for them! We then took a long walk becuase it was so warm and supposed to be nasty the rest of the day, so I tried to do all of our outside time in the AM. Well of course mommy was a little sweatie! Well then lunch and naptime soon followed. I laid down with Aidan to sing Jesus Loves me and say his prayers and he goes *sniff-sniff* "eww Mommy your hair is stinky!!" hahaha I loved it!

Today we went to the library for the regular Thursday story time. The kids read the book "It looked like spilt milk". Well Aidan sat there so good and soaked up everyword while Ashie was engrossed in saying "Hey baby" (to all the younger siblings) and rubbed their hair, looked at the fishes, played on the computer, and stared at the boy who was having a snack.

Tonight we have no water. Another reason to add to my list of why I HATE well water. We can't fiqure out what is wrong with it. So we have to wait till tomorrow to get someone (hopefully) out here to fix it! I guess mommy will have stinky hair until tomorrow! lol

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Here comes peter cotton tail

Of course I forgot my camera tonight! Aidan participated in one soccer drill tonight. Hey it's an improvement lol! I feel like it's prob because he doesn't go to preschool or day care or anything! But next week we may try letting grandmas take him and see how that works. I would rather him get something out of it and enjoy even if that means I can't go :-( They got their shirts, shorts and socks tonight! He looks so cute in his jersey!

We then moved onto the Easter Bunny at the mall. Just like Santa, Aidan was star struck and Asher was happy to say "Bye Bye Bunny"! We then went to Moe's and everytime the crew would shout out "Welcome to Moe's" Ash sayin "wemdkfkf MOES!!!!"

I joined a new mommy group. This one is a little more laid back than Mops and closer. They have different activities and you choose which ones you want to go to! This gives me something to look forward to each week! On Friday we are going to the Learning Express where there is a bunny exhibit! So I was reading the profiles of the mommies and so far all are in their 30's with kids under 5. I guess I'll have to say "Hi! I'm Lauren and I'm 25 AND A HALF!! lol"!!

Say a prayer for my MIL tomorrow. She is having 4 teeth pulled WITHOUT anthesia!! Poor thing! I'll be making mad mashed potatos for the next few days!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Get Service

I just love this video.

Happy St. Patty's Day!

We did nothing "green" to celebrate but I tried baking a cake with the kids! I cut holes in either ends of the eggs to save them to dye this weekend. This is what Aidan is doing in one of the pics, blowing the egg into the cake batter. We all had a great time! Tomorrow we are going to soccer then to see the "Bunny Bun" (easter bunny as aidan calls it) at the mall! Woohoo!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Updates on The Boys!

Oh how the boys are changing everyday! Everyday it's something new or different or fun! I mean don't get me wrong all three of us have our break downs (lo, me Aidan and Asher that is). Mommy even put herself in time-out today or she was going to explode! I wish I could bottle up all that fun and happinesses and put it into words but I'll try my best!

Today, Asher was beating the TV with a toy and I said "Ashie I'm gonna spank that toushie if you don't stop!" He stops, walks over to me and turns around sticking his butt out at me. I was laughing so hard I couldn't do anything but laugh! He is more than ever flapping his gums! Talk talk talk! And a dancing machine! He will dance to anything that plays! He is starting to form sentences like "I hurt foot, Broder trrrooouble, I hungee, Tank you mama, I go Grandmas house. Tonight's newest phrase was "Where Thumpkin?"

We were in an office the other day and the lady looked at their charts and gasps "Oh my! No wonder they are so wrestless! They are so young! She said I thought the oldest was 5 and the younger was three". Oh no I say 3 and 18 months. Then she had to preceed to walk down the hall and ask two different people "How old do you think they are?". Yes woman I know they are big kids lol!

Aidan is growing and changing everyday. We are still having a big problem with his temper and attitude. It's something I'm going to talk to his peditrician about. I feel like it's getting past the point of "a phase" or "the terrible threes". But he does have his good moments. Tonight he helped me make spagetti by breaking up the noodles and "washing" the dishes. He loves nature and pointing out different insects. He can write an A now. He could read 24/7 if I had the time and patience lol! We have started going to the library every Thursday to Story Time. He sits right up front and listens intently. My Ashie likes to rearrange the chairs and sit beside the older kids and touch their hair (Aidans got the ear fetish and Ash has got the hair! lol) He may be 3 but he is still my cuddler and love bug! Or as I call him my sweet angel!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Waaaaay Behind!

No nothing pressing we have been up to has kept me from blogging....I just got lazy!! So here's an update on our lives.

Soccer!! Last Tuesday was Aidan's 1st soccer practice. Coach was a no show so the 3 kids that showed up just kicked around the ball but he LOVED it!! I was PISSED though!!! He looked longingly at the other teams and how much fun they were having with their coaches!! I emailed the program director. He mailed me back explaining how he was told she called AND emailed all the parents saying pratice was cancelled. 1. How are you going to disappoint nine 3-4 year old by canceling the first practice 2. Funny how "I must have provided the wrong email AND phone number" and the same goes for the other 3 parents/kids that showed. You had no prob calling me on sun saying that there was going to be a pratice this week!! 3. I called the front desk that day asking if any practices had been cancelled AND Mathew asked again before we left home (he got there early). But all in all he had so much fun....the first time.

Stomach Bug!! First it was Asher, then me, then Aidan. Fun stuff. Aidan says "I grow up" instead of "I throw up!" I wanted to shoot myself where as the kids got sick then got back to bouncing off the walls lol!

Soccer Pratice Week !!! Ooohhh I was even madder...with Aidan this time! He wouldnt do ANYTHING!! He wouldn't participate or even go near the field. NOTHING worked! I was about to send Ash into the field because he wanted to play sooo bad!! So we opted for CiCi's to calm ourselves ;-)

Last Weekend!!! Paul came down with Auntie Melissa and UNcle Brandon. They brought their dog (maltese) with them and it stayed at our house!! Made me want a dog even worse!! Made me want a third child even less ;-)

Time Change!!! AKA kids sleep "later" lol. So does mom! I don't think I could go back to work! I had an 8am appt in town (30 mins away) to get Allstate to look at the damage to the truck. Yeah usually the 6:30 alarm clock of two scurrying feet always wakes me up. I wake up at 7:30am and roll back over. :-)

And thats my lazy update!
And thats my lazy update!

Monday, March 3, 2008

What a day! What a day! My baby brother ran away and now my tuba will not play!

Anybody else remember that book? hahaha Oh yes what a day it has been! Why is it so much easier to bitch rather than compliment? Oh well thats what blogging is for! :-) So here goes....

We start off at about 10am. I put Ashie into the carseat and Aidan is running in the yard. I go to get him and he is up to his knees in ants. Damn ant hills. We need to find something that will terminate them forever!!! Luckily he didnt get bit (just me). So I load everyone into the car and notice that a sippee cup (ya know the "non spill ones" hahahaha) has exploded in my diaper bag. So I lay everything in the truck to dry because I'm not going into one place long enough that I need to drag the bag in with me. I go to the tax office to get a sticker for our cars so we can dump trash. Bitch of all bitches waited on me! Apprantly it was my fault the world turns lol. Next is Food Lion. I pull into a parking space. As I am turning the Uhaul that is parked next to me has not secured his door shut. The wind blows it open as I am turning and it scraps allll down the door of our flawless silver Toyota truck. So we wait to hash out insurance and file a police report. Thank goodness my MIL is with me! So we deal with that and finally run in for the 4 things we needed. I had Ashie in the cart and he spills the candy that he was eating. I bent down to pick it up and as I was coming up he was falling out (he had stood up...there was no seatbelt... I just had to get 4 things...)...I catch him as my heart races. So he resides on my hip as we continue shopping. Aidan runs behind a cardboard fixture. I go to scold him and he yells back at me as people gasp and stare. I break down because of the events that happened between 10am and 12:30pm. I regain my composure and hurry home to read the section in my new book about "Back Talking" . I am a mommy and I love my job. I am a mommy and I love my job. I AM A MOMMY AND I LOVE MY JOB!!!!!!!! Ok thanks guys I feel better!

On a better note my sister Kirsten came to visit this weekend!!! We had so much fun and she LOVED spending time with the boys!! They loved having her and Ashie still asks for her daily! Though I think I scared her from EVER having kids!!!! 6:30am wake up calls, half eaten food being placed in her hand, poopie diapers, and non ending days really tired her out lol! We can't wait to see her again!

Aidan starts soccer tomorrow!!! It's supposed to rain! Pray it holds out!!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The Next David Beckham

Or at least close to it! I signed Aidan up for the YMCA Youth soccer today! I'm so excited! He is going to have a blast! It's a group for 3-4 year olds. They don't have games but teach the skills and just have fun! I guess I can literally be a soccer mom now!!! lol Now I just need the van!

I scored a deal on the gear! I got adidas cleats, shinguards, and soccer socks for $8 on They were all brand new. The lady had spent over $40, only for her son to decide that he wanted to do karate instead!

Ashie is MR. Personality! He has been a little under the weather but I think it makes him a little silly! He has started to ask questions (other than HUH?). Like what did you say, where is it, whats that. Not that it's that clear. Its only in a language I understand lol! He is associating things with people. For example, he knows who's cell phone is who's, who's shirt is who's, etc. He is OBSESSED with dogs and motorcycles! I wish I could capture his reaction when he hears a motor! It's too cute!

Tomorrow we have to clean the apt ugh! I would like to get SOME deposit back!! Off to bed. I have been drinking this sleepy time green tea before I go to bed and I feel like it knocks me on my feet (it's nothing herbal or funny its just normal grocery store hot tea lol!)

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Aidan's 3rd Fireman's Birthday Party!

Well we had (aka we survived) Aidan's 3rd birthday party at the fire station! I was so very tired last night! My body even hurt this morning lol (I know very sad!). Anyways the boys had so much fun! The little boy in the picture with Aidan is his cousin Paul. The party was also for him, so we just combined their two parties. His birthday is March 2.

We invited eight children, ages 8-1, and they all had a blast! They got to tour the fire trucks, spray the hose, and watch a fireman put on his gear! Aidan was most excited saying, "Is that fire truck for meeee?" He had big saucier eyes the whole time. Like his lifetime dream had come true!

Asher enjoyed trying to see how many paddles (from the ping pong table) he could snatch and paddle people with!

Thanks to all who came!! It meant so much to the boys!! (and us!)

My pics aren't working on the blogs so check out some pictures of the party here:

Friday, February 22, 2008

Now I know my ABC's!

Asher means Happy in Hebrew! How perfect is that!

ABC's according to Asher

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Sand Box Fun

So the length of the video is the amount of time we spent outside lol! It's soooo cold!! I thought I would bundle the kids up and get them some fresh air!! There's not enough bundling in the world!!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Happy 3rd Birthday Aidan!

Today my baby boy turned 3!! We had a fun day of picking out a toy and paying for it all by himself, making cupcakes, playing outside and being spoiled with hugs and kisses!! He was quite excited to tell EVERYONE Happy Birthday and "wanting more presents". He grinned ear to ear when we sang happy birthday! This morning he had eggs and a cinnamon roll with a candle in it. Then after dinner was a cupcake and more candles! He got lots of cards from all his family! We love you Aidan!

Monday, February 18, 2008

We are well on our way......

To life WITHOUT diapers!!!! This is just the beginning but it's a start! Today 3 random times Asher took his diaper off by himself and said pee pee. So we ran to the potty and TA-DA! He went pee pee!! I'm so proud of him and he loved everyone making it a big deal! Like Aidan he prefers the big potty instead of the millions we spent on cute, fun potty chairs! Also, with Aidan we shoved treats down his throat to reward him but Ashie is just fine and dandy with cheers and claps!!

Oh I wish I had gotten a picture! The boys were playing outside after the sun decided to show up! It had been raining allll day! We HAD to get out of the house! So of course they get into a mud puddle, then it was all over! They splashed and played till we could see no more color on them! All boys I tell ya...all boys!

We now have doors that are raised higher than normal doors at the bottom. After I lay Ashie down for his nap, he has started to get out of bed and lay on the floor and watch us from under the door. Its too cute. He doesnt cry or say anything. Then he eventually gets back in his bed!

This no dishwasher or garbage disposal is killing me. I was the type of person, if I could shove it in the disposal, it would be chopped up! My hands are so dry! We are slowly fixing the water, adding filters to everything. I HATE well water! My hair is so thick and the water pressure is so low! I have to turn the bath water on at the end of my shower to make sure I rised all the soap out lol! But no I'm kidding, I know I could be ALOT worse off!!!

My baby will be three tomorrow....bitter sweet!

Friday, February 15, 2008


So I was just informed that my father and 2 sisters went to dinner and the subject of Lauren came up. My middle sister asks what I am doing now a days. My father's response was "just staying around with the boys". All you SAHM's please email me for his address so I can tell you where to send the HATE mail! Thanks! OK gotta get back to staying around! ;-)

Adventures of Aidan and Asher

It's so cute how he remembers things and reacts to them. Yesterday his grandma went to the doctor. She cameover today and sat down on the couch. He came up to her and said "Where's your bandaid?" She was like I don't have a bandaid. He said "You went to the doctor?". He thought she was supposed to get a shot and a bandaid becuase she went to the doctor. lol

Tonight he says "Mommy you got somefin on you face". He licks his thumbs and wipes my face. I think I'll stop doing that and reach for a wipe instead lol!

This morning I was washing dishes (because we don't have dishwasher.....waaaaahhhh!) and the whole time Asher clung to my leg. This is unusual for Asher, esp for the long time that he did this. Finally he says, "I hurt, I hurt, I hurt" then blaaaaa, puked everywhere! Poor baby! I stuck him in the bath and he says "I feel good" (I don't feel good he means) But I don't know what it was because he was his active care free self the rest of the day!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Dear Mr. 99 year old Walmart Greeter.....

I have been many places today and Walmart was my last stop. Please leave me alone. Please do not tell me what I am doing wrong. Just try to help me or leave me alone. I have two young very cranky children and I am having a bad day. Don't preceed to tell me that my child's shoe is missing and then tell me it's in the cart, I know this. Don't tell me that my goldfish box is open is will prob spill everywhere, again, I got it covered. When you see me struggling to bring in two bags of sandbox sand inside and corral my children so they don't jet into the street, don't comment that I should have gotten a cart. I know. I didn't feel like trucking BACK up to the front with two CRANKY children just to leave my full cart and get another. I'm patting myself that I have made it this far in Walmart, don't burst my bubble. Don't keep telling me where to place the sand when I'm trying to yell at my 3 year year old to come back, just take the damn sand and stick it somewhere. Just leave me alone and go back to greeting.....Thanks!


Well long story short we have MOVED!!!! I'm so tired everynight! They boys so far love it! Aidan calls it the "New House" and Asher the "hooooowse". We split the bunkbeds up so they have matching twin beds. Asher's is enclosed so it looks like a twin crib lol! I'll included pics soon! As Mat said the other night "Welcome Home Sallese Family, Welcome Home" lol!

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Moving Day.... nearing us! We started to move a few things today and tomorrow is D-Day. OMG at all the JUNK we have! Next time we move I'm opening up the house and saying "Everything's a Dollar". Thank goodness Mom and Steph took the kids for tonight. Tommorrow is dropping off Paul's new bed then picking up the bunkbeds, then back here to move. I've been preggo the last two times (or just had the baby) we have moved, so I got out of it. This time not so lucky! hehe

Asher Moving Us

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Super Bowl Sunday

It's my excuse to eat a lot of junk foods ;-)

Tonight I tried to capture our blessing at dinner time. Of course this ended in an Aidan protest. But here's the video anyways!

Then it's more Aidan and Asher playing, Ashie doing sign language, and another rendition of 'Jesus Loves Me'

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Quick Update

Whew! Things have been crazy around here :-P So I haven't done much else with the new camera! Ashie now has pink eye in both eyes (knew that was coming), a cold and was running a small fever today. Grandmas took Aidan today so I could focus on take care (babying) Ashie today! Our church had their monthly yard sale today so I tried to get rid of as much as I could....less to move! We went and cleaned the new place the other day. The truck battery died at church. Not to mention we just bought a battery for my car on Monday! More packing! Trying to plan Aidan and Paul's birthdays. Eh packing... Every bill imaginable seemed to pour in insurance, truck insurance, vehicle taxes, bla bla bla bla. Mat's sick, I'm on and off sick, but Aidan's good to go! I think I'll go crawl under the covers and hide for as long as possible! ;-)

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

One More Time

ok try this link


OK it's not working....TO Be Continued!

Welcome to the Video World Lauren

I got a new Flip Camera today. No frills or bells. Just something plain and simple that I need! Now I can save everything to the computer and not have to search for a 2 inch tape floating around this messy house, if I want to watch a home video! This is a test one. Be prepared for more to come!

Monday, January 28, 2008

A New Things Kinda Day!

Carseat: Aidan got a "big boy" carseat now! He is so much more comfy in it! He loves it so much! He keeps saying how he loves his new carseat and is it for Aidan? "It's not Ashie's carseat? It's mine?" It's a Graco Nautlis! After Mathew installed it, he shook it and the car shook instead! It's a really great carseat and I feel so much more safer because he was def growing out of his old one!

Park: We went as a family today to the park and bundled the kids up to take a short walk. It was nice to get out of the house and let the kids play! They played on the playground until their fingers started to turn blue so we headed home! (not really but the sun was going down so it was cold).

New House Stuff: I started buying things for our new place. Only 2 more weeks till we move!!! I got a jungle animals shower curtain and monkey curtain rings for the boys bathroom. Their bathroom is jungle animal themed right now but we have those annoying sliding doors so I never bought a curtain. I'm excited to have our own bathroom again. Right now we have 2 bathrooms but the boys tub is only used to throw dirty towels or clean out nasty stuff in. So we have to rake all the bath toys out of our way if we want to take showers!

Eyes: Yes both of them, Aidan has pink eye in both eyes! Poor baby! To the doctor we go tomorrow! Which yes means Ashie's is right around the corner! I guess more bring hulled up in the house for a few days! Mat's response: Oh my gosh, I am not touching the kids till they get over it!!! I'm sorry but I'm not. I can't get it and miss work!!!! Thanks honey thanks for the support! ;-) LOL

NKOTB: Oh yeah that's right, who's coming with me???!!!

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Bad Day

It's just been a bad day overall!! So these are some pics I took this afternoon and tonight. I just wanted to share them with everyone.

So to sum up my bad day I must vent to someone. I went to do my taxes and came home to more holes in the celing and water drizzling down from it. This is because my boyfriend "didn't fall asleep on the couch" while he was with the boys and they flooded the upstairs bathroom by stuffing wads and wads of toliet paper in the toliet and flushed it repeatedly. Somehow everything I ever did wrong was brought up and turned into my fault...Then Mat's sister called, he handed the phone to me, "Hey look we are driving up today and I wanted to know if Mat can go out with us tonight?"

Thanks, thanks alot for including me, thanks for asking if we could find a sitter so we can all go out, gosh Lauren I know you are with the kids 24/7 and sure would like a break...let's all go out. No it was Mat come out with us.

And what did Mat do? Did he say "hey I'll try to find us a sitter or I'll ask my mom so we can go out"? No of course not! Did he stay at home with his wife because it wouldn't be fair for him to go out and have fun and me ALWAYS GETTING STUCK AT HOME. Nope. Did he do ANYTHING to make this situation better for me? Nota. This will somehow get turned aruond on me. Just watch.

I didn't wanna go anyway. Thats not the point. So anyone wanna come over? I'm baking a pity party cake!! ;-)

Friday, January 25, 2008

1st Dentist Visit

And we survived it! The office was great! The receptionist were wonderful and the hygienists very kid friendly. The dentist on the other hand, I wanted to ask him why is he in this field? Very distinct, impersonal, "get in get out" attitude. Now on the other hand he works with screaming brats all day, it's Friday and it's 3:30pm. But here's how our visit went!

Mat came with me because they suggested two people come (for two kids). I went with Asher and Mathew with Aidan. I layed down on the chair and Asher laid on top of me. Of course he cried. Brought "monk monk" but he didn't help much. He was scared with the new experience but the hygienists talked to him the whole time. All they did was brush his teeth and give him fluoride. The dentist came in and looked at his teeth for all of 30 seconds. He got a clean bill of health as he sat up and said through the sobs "All done?".

Aidan did great! This is all what Daddy told me! I asked him before we left did he remember EVERYTHING they told him because I want to know every detail because I'll go back and ask them to tell me!! LOL. Aidan was very cooperative! They brushed his teeth, put fluoride on them, took Xrays, counted his teeth and wiggled all of them. Mat said he did great cooperating with everything that they told him to do! He also got to lay on Daddy lap (so no threat of leaving your child back there alone Rachel! At this one at least they have notices everywhere to stay with your child at all times). I'm so proud of my big boy! He came out just a beaming but I think the experience was also a little new to him because he said as we left "No more demtis mama?" Also the dentist told Mat "He doesn't eat a lot of candy does he?" HAHAHAHAHAHAAH He doesn't eat a lot of candy but sweet stuff! And I'm not perfect on the brushing either so I thank Cheese for the good check up. The boy eats more cheese than anyone I know!!! I've heard that cleans your teeth. They also said next time they will put sealants on some of his teeth just to prevent cavities!

So whew that's over with!! At least for another 6 months!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Finger Painting 101

First of all I'm happy to report that my real Aidan is back!! The fun-loving, caring, compassionate little boy is back. For the first time in a really long time, I cooked an entire dinner and Aidan and Asher sat in the toy room reading books to each other the ENTIRE time. Usually me cooking dinner consists of, the boys running around like wild monkeys, Aidan hitting (pushing, running over, jumping on, etc) Asher, me putting Aidan in time out, going back to cooking only to hear Ashers cries because Aidan has tormented him yet again!! All the while I am scrambling to try to find Super Nanny's number! ;-) But today was a GREAT day! Even when Asher went to bed Aidan and I played like we were at the beach, read lots of books uninterrupted, cooked and ate goobs of (fake) food. Usually before his bedtime is lots of crying, whining, throwing, and tantrum throwing! He has even gone down to nap and bed with no fight!

It was too blustery cold today to play outside so I bought some finger paints and poster board from my second home....oh I mean from Walmart. The boys had a BLAST doing it!! I've included some pictures! Ashie painted with everything but his hand including his butt, his feet, arms and elbows! But it was fun having them do a craft that they could both equally enjoy!!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Tonight just take time out to pray! Pray for the babies who come into the world struggling. Prayer for their parents. Pray for the sick children out there and the healthy! I came across a blog tonight that sparked this urgency of prayer in me. A family is pregnant with a son who has spina bifida and T18. Unexpectantly the mother has gone into labor (I'm not sure how many weeks she is). The husband is out of town on buisness and desparatley trying to get back! The baby may live an hour or may live a few days.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Ring Around the Rosies Sallese Family Style

This is Asher's most fav game ever!! "wing wond, wing wond", he says. So we get up to play. We hold hands, Asher lets go of Aidans hand, Aidan cries out for him to take his hand back, Ashie screams no and tries to run away, Mommy gets in the middle of the two, in the middle of the game Ashie tries to hold Aidans hand again, hell break loose again, we all fall down, but Ashie is still standing, Aidan runs over to him and does a football tackle to knock him down, daddy yells, aidan yells, ashie yells, and finally mommy is yelling at everyone. Ring Around the Rosies.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Little bit of everything!

So, I'm in my "I want another baby phase". This phase comes and goes. Thanks to IUD this cannot happen for at least another 4 years! Wahoo! Also EDUCATION is slowly turning me away from baby number 3! I was reading my Parents magazine on different college savings programs for the kids. By the time our kids are college bound school will cost between 140,000 and 470,000. Better buck up on those football skills boys! lol This scares me too death! I've also been researching private schools for K-12. I'll have to work 3 jobs to do it but hell it would so be worth it!

So now I have to brag! Tonight, Aidan was doing something wrong so I started the counting...I said 1, Asher says twooo, freee, so I kept going I said four, he says fii. Then I did it a bunch of ways different ways and he always got the numbers right up until 5! One time when I said 6 he said nii (nine?). I WAS SOOO EXCITED! And he wasn't feeding off my excitement. He was playing with those pop together blocks and saying his numbers as he tried to push them in! He just acted as if this was nothing! Aww I love him, couldn't he stay this age FOREVER!!

Aidan on the other hand, is he 18 yet???!! I am having the worst problem with him! First he was mean to Ashie then he switched to great and helpful, now I feel like I yell at him 24/7!!! I feel like I've tried everything! After time out, and a talking too on what he did wrong, he gets up and walks right over to his brother and takes away a toy or starts beating on him! I'm sure it's an attention thing but it's driving me to my wits end!! I seriuosly think it's time for preschool or some type of regular interaction with other kids on a regular basis!!!

The rest of NC is getting snow, while we are singing rain rain go away! No I'm kidding I know how much we need this rain! Well I must go clean up, scrapbook, exercise....umm play some more on the net ;-)

PS: Any mom's reading this: The Children's Place is having an AMAZING sale! The stuff online is even better but I got a Sweater for Ashie and 3 pairs of socks for 5.32 today!!!

Monday, January 14, 2008


"The walks and talks we have with
our two-year-olds in red boots have
a great deal to do with the values
they will cherish as adults."
(Edith F. Hunter)

Way behind!

I feel like I've fallen behind in my blogging! Nothing much new to report today just ramblings!

We sign our lease for our new place tommorrow! Wahoo! I'm excited! Just ready to get moved out/in! Though that won't be for another month! I'm kinda at a lull for packing! Now it's just the stuff we use all the time! I know most of it I could pack but "just in case" lol! There are only two things I dread about this house 1. well water and 2. NO DISHWASHER!! I stick everything I can in my dishwasher! I also have a phobia about using sponges. I guess I need to get over it quick huh? I just think it's so nasty to clean something with something I've already cleaned dirty things with! Paper plates it is!

Aidan spent the night with his Grandma last night! Ashie throughly enjoyed his alone time with mommy and daddy! Though he frequently went to the bottom of the stairs and screamed "Ai-daaaaan!" When we went to pick Aidan up Ashie ran right over to him and rubbed his head and said "HI!". While Aidan was away we went to Sears to check out some washer and dryers. After that we went to Roc-o-la to eat because not cooking and cleaning out weighed not spending money! lol! We were shocked and happy to learn that Mat's boss paid for our dinner! What a treat! Now what does she want from him lol!

Speaking of Mat...and men. I noticed a trend lately of how men do not really understand how important ages are at such a young age. Just something kinda funny I observed! Mat was speaking to someone on the phone and said that his boys were 3 and 2 years old! Ok so aidan is close to 3 but NOT YET!! I don't want him to be any older than he is! And hell Ashie....ain't anywhere close to 2 yrs lol! What was he thinking! Then at church, I was keeping children's church. A man brought his little boy in and I asked how old he was. The man said 19 months. His mother was talking with me later and said the boy was 17 months...big difference man! They do so much month by month. I don't know why I'm talking about this...just an observation.

Aidan is taking suuch a grown up role lately. Helping around the house, running "Daddy errands", helping me with Asher, eating alll his food at every meal, directing me what is right and what is wrong! My MIL will be sending me videos she has downloaded of the boys so I should have those sometime this week!

Asher on the other very mychevious! Always testing us, cutting his eyes, testing some more, throwing food at meal time, and more testing! He is finally saying "Wuv wou" all the time!! And of course everything is "eady, set, go". If he is getting in trouble and we count to three we say "One" and he says "Twoooo". And I fall out laughing! It's so hard to punish this child!! He is a talker!! He always asks where everyone is! He goes through everyone's name and then says "Huh?" after I explain it to me, as he does EVERYTHING I explain to him!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

What's in a name?

Aidan is all about some names! He wants to know EVERYONE's name! "Mom what's her name?" "Hey, what's your name?" He loves to hear first and last names! He just learned his full name, and mine and daddy's. So recently it's been "that's not Daddy, that's Mathew!".

My sweet little good boy has turned bad! LOL! Ashie's new word is "FINE"! EVerytime he cocks an attitude it's "FINE" followed by throwing something! This is usually happening at meal time. He is going through one of those phases were he wants to eat NOTHING! He covers his eyes when we get mad at him and peeks through his fingers, making that devilish grin face! At this age he needs to know discipline but HE's SO DARN CUTE!! LoL! It's so hard to really get mad!!!

One of my MOPS mom's her second child last night. AT the last MOPS meeting they prayed for speedy, painless birth. Wed night she noticed some spotting and told her hubbie they needed to head over to the hospital (she's at 40weeks). The neighbor came over to watch her other child and she went to pee one last time before going to the hosiptal. She felt the baby's head!! She screamed for her husband, he lowered her onto the floor, her water broke and out came the baby! See prayers really do work!! lol!

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Funny comments

Aidan's language just gets better by the day! His comments really crack me up! Today after Ashie hit him he came to me and said "Mommy Ashie broke my brain!" After Daddy tried to get off the phone with Aidan today he exclaims "Daddy, wait, I have to tell you sumfin!"

Aidan and Ashie are lost without one another. I love it! I know Aidan has been really mean to Ashie lately but it seems to be subsiding. Whenever they are apart the other one constantly talks about the other. Today Mat took Aidan with him to Wal-mart and Ashie constantly said "Aidan?" "Aidan?" Then he lays down on the floor drinking his sippee cup until Aidan burst through the door. Ashie pops up and screams "AIDAN" and they give each other the most precious hugs and kisses.

I remember when I first got preggo with Ashie and I stood in the shower bawling my eyes out. The hormones had kicked in by this point and I was so upset that Aidan wouldn't feel loved, or I wouldn't have enough time to teach him things because of the baby and he wouldn't be as smart, or he would hate me for not feeling loved enough. Yeah THAT all went out the window after Asher was born and I learned to juggle them both. Now I'm like I can't imagine Aidan without Asher! By the way Asher is about a month and a half shy of being Aidan's age when I had Asher and now I look back and think OMG WHAT WAS I THINKING lol!!

We've been doing some packing today since Mat had the day off! I don't wnat to be so overwhelmed since I will prob be doing most of the moving in/out and cleaning myself!! So we are doing a little bit everyday!! I don't want to jinx anything but hell I think we've got a place. We just have to go sign the lease!! I'm sooo excited. It isn't a WHOLE lot bigger than what we have now but it's something we want and can afford and has almost an acre of land. It's in the country and in a great neighborhood! It also has 2 sheds with electricty so that's where Mat will be living!! lol!

Saturday, January 5, 2008

First Movie!

Yai-Yai and La-La took Aidan to his first movie! They saw Alvin and the Chipmunks! They said he enjoyed it and sat for the whole thing, just getting up to pee twice! How exciting! He then spent the night with them. Yai-Yai said that he woke up at 5:45am and said "OK I all done sleeping". He also was getting ready to feed their cats and said "Hey boy! You hungry boy? I gonna feed you boy!" Such grown up language now a days! I asked him to clean up his toys and he says "Ummm how bout later?" lol!

While Aidan was away we took Asher to Fit for Fun! He had a great time! He has such a different personality when it's just him and me! But he frequently asked for Aidan which melts my heart!! Aidan has started to be so mean to Asher lately! So we are working on why we are mean to Ashie and what we can do instead of hitting him. Though Aidan tells on himself and is VERY honest with me about what he does lol!

The pictures I've included are 1) not the 1,000 of dollars worth of toys but the Huggies box that Asher had hours of fun in! 2) Playing at fit for fun!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Goodbye Gletto!

We put in our 60 day notice (yes this craphole requires a 60day!) So I got less than 2 months to find a new place. We have one in mind so cross your fingers but I'm not getting my hopes up! I'm so ready for more room and a yard!

I think we may actually have this thing called winter now! I had to put on a jacket to take out the trash. But no frets I'll be back in my Rainbows by Friday ;-) We had a good New Year. Mat got sent home from work early which was a nice surprise!

I'm hardcore scrapbooking now! Well I finshed my first page lol. I love to scrapbook but it stresses me out so bad!! ..perfect. Even though I know it's not! But I want to do the boys books before they get to old and I forget things! Speaking of I have what I told Rachel is "the mommy brain". For example, we were at Golden Corral with our nephew and I asked him what flavor of ice cream he wanted he told me and I turned around to get it and just stared at the machine. I totally forgot what he just told me. I went to Walmart today and left nipples boiling on the stove (this is the 5th time I've done this). Luckily Mat was home but he didnt catch it in time enough to save our apt from the wonderful smell of rubber.

Yes I was boiling nipples because my child is STILL on the bottle. Now some of you may be gasping...bad teeth, dental probs...etc. I know I know. But here's my explanation. First he only takes it at night. Second I tried everything, rocking him to sleep, pacifiers, nothing but screaming. I know the longer I put it off the harder its going to be but I have a plan. When we move and don't have neighbors on the other side of the wall, I'll just let him scream it out. Our neighbors recently got a noise complaint so I dont want that happening to us!!! We are loud enough as it is! Maybe we will have a Bye Bye Bottle Party and make it a big deal how good it is that he is giving away his bottle! (like people do with pacifiers) For now I'll add it to my "To Do Later List"