Sunday, April 13, 2008

Azalea Fest Weekend

We had a GREAT tiome at Azalea fest this weekend! I met up with my girl Anita, whom I haven't seen in a while! We had a fun time walking through the street fair, braving the kiddie park and ending our search for some ever wanted ice-cream! I appreciate all her help with making sure the kids had fun despite their grump moods haha! Of course I put lotion on the kids and didn't on myself. I used to get away with this but having kids has changed my skin. So I'm sporting the sunglass, t-shirt, and flip flop burn!

I also found out that Aidan knows a lot more than I realized. I was loading things in the car when Aidan climbed into the driver's seat and grabbed my keys I had thrown into the seat. He chose the right key and started that baby right up! Didn't turn it over or anything!! I was shocked. So next time you see that three year old on the highway driving, please call me lol! He also can repeat every word to the Dora the Explorer DVD. Usually I use DVD time to clean, etc so I rarely sit down. But tonight I did and he spit out sentence after sentence before they said it. So two things I learned this weekend: 1. Keep keys out of site 2. Turn off the TV Bad mommy! lol

But tomorrow is back to work and I will miss them TERRIBLY!!!

Anita I stole these from your MS ;-)

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