And we survived it! The office was great! The receptionist were wonderful and the hygienists very kid friendly. The dentist on the other hand, I wanted to ask him why is he in this field? Very distinct, impersonal, "get in get out" attitude. Now on the other hand he works with screaming brats all day, it's Friday and it's 3:30pm. But here's how our visit went!
Mat came with me because they suggested two people come (for two kids). I went with Asher and Mathew with Aidan. I layed down on the chair and Asher laid on top of me. Of course he cried. Brought "monk monk" but he didn't help much. He was scared with the new experience but the hygienists talked to him the whole time. All they did was brush his teeth and give him fluoride. The dentist came in and looked at his teeth for all of 30 seconds. He got a clean bill of health as he sat up and said through the sobs "All done?".
Aidan did great! This is all what Daddy told me! I asked him before we left did he remember EVERYTHING they told him because I want to know every detail because I'll go back and ask them to tell me!! LOL. Aidan was very cooperative! They brushed his teeth, put fluoride on them, took Xrays, counted his teeth and wiggled all of them. Mat said he did great cooperating with everything that they told him to do! He also got to lay on Daddy lap (so no threat of leaving your child back there alone Rachel! At this one at least they have notices everywhere to stay with your child at all times). I'm so proud of my big boy! He came out just a beaming but I think the experience was also a little new to him because he said as we left "No more demtis mama?" Also the dentist told Mat "He doesn't eat a lot of candy does he?" HAHAHAHAHAHAAH He doesn't eat a lot of candy but sweet stuff! And I'm not perfect on the brushing either so I thank Cheese for the good check up. The boy eats more cheese than anyone I know!!! I've heard that cleans your teeth. They also said next time they will put sealants on some of his teeth just to prevent cavities!
So whew that's over with!! At least for another 6 months!
1 comment:
awe they are so cute! Yeah I remember reading some mom taking two kids by herself. When they scheduled them "together" she thought that meant back to back in the same room, but they actually meant at the same time in two rooms. She was running back and forth, luckily her kids were older though. Anyway, sounds like the boys did awesome! Monk monk...so cute. I cannot BELIEVE how early he's talking. That's just incredible.
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