Monday, January 14, 2008

Way behind!

I feel like I've fallen behind in my blogging! Nothing much new to report today just ramblings!

We sign our lease for our new place tommorrow! Wahoo! I'm excited! Just ready to get moved out/in! Though that won't be for another month! I'm kinda at a lull for packing! Now it's just the stuff we use all the time! I know most of it I could pack but "just in case" lol! There are only two things I dread about this house 1. well water and 2. NO DISHWASHER!! I stick everything I can in my dishwasher! I also have a phobia about using sponges. I guess I need to get over it quick huh? I just think it's so nasty to clean something with something I've already cleaned dirty things with! Paper plates it is!

Aidan spent the night with his Grandma last night! Ashie throughly enjoyed his alone time with mommy and daddy! Though he frequently went to the bottom of the stairs and screamed "Ai-daaaaan!" When we went to pick Aidan up Ashie ran right over to him and rubbed his head and said "HI!". While Aidan was away we went to Sears to check out some washer and dryers. After that we went to Roc-o-la to eat because not cooking and cleaning out weighed not spending money! lol! We were shocked and happy to learn that Mat's boss paid for our dinner! What a treat! Now what does she want from him lol!

Speaking of Mat...and men. I noticed a trend lately of how men do not really understand how important ages are at such a young age. Just something kinda funny I observed! Mat was speaking to someone on the phone and said that his boys were 3 and 2 years old! Ok so aidan is close to 3 but NOT YET!! I don't want him to be any older than he is! And hell Ashie....ain't anywhere close to 2 yrs lol! What was he thinking! Then at church, I was keeping children's church. A man brought his little boy in and I asked how old he was. The man said 19 months. His mother was talking with me later and said the boy was 17 months...big difference man! They do so much month by month. I don't know why I'm talking about this...just an observation.

Aidan is taking suuch a grown up role lately. Helping around the house, running "Daddy errands", helping me with Asher, eating alll his food at every meal, directing me what is right and what is wrong! My MIL will be sending me videos she has downloaded of the boys so I should have those sometime this week!

Asher on the other very mychevious! Always testing us, cutting his eyes, testing some more, throwing food at meal time, and more testing! He is finally saying "Wuv wou" all the time!! And of course everything is "eady, set, go". If he is getting in trouble and we count to three we say "One" and he says "Twoooo". And I fall out laughing! It's so hard to punish this child!! He is a talker!! He always asks where everyone is! He goes through everyone's name and then says "Huh?" after I explain it to me, as he does EVERYTHING I explain to him!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

very mychevious! Always testing us, cutting his eyes, testing some more, throwing food at meal time, and more testing!


If he is getting in trouble and we count to three we say "One" and he says "Twoooo".

Check check

And if Caleb actually ate half the food I gave him, I would fall over dead. lol Trust me the counting, having "two" said back will get old! hahaha

I can't wait to see pictures of the new place! I didn't have a dishwasher before we moved here. It was a hard year. Man. Well water isn't so bad! I grew up on a well, and loved it. The water was good, and the water pressure didn't bother me. Then. Now? Our water pressure here is a PITA. Make sure you ask if there are filters under the house that will need to be changed. Dad never had to do it in otown, but we have to change it here 1-2 times a month here. Every well is different. If the house isn't too old, hopefully the pump will be in good shape and won't be a bother. lol about the sponges. Do you go through like 4 dishclothes a day despite having a dish washer now? We do! I get the cheapo white ones at walmart, a huge pack, that way they can always be bleached. I'm not much on sponges either, the smell funky too quick. You can try one of those scrub brushes that holds detergent in it. Maybe I should just email you all of this instead of dumping in on your blog comments! lol Ramble ramble ramble.....