Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Here comes peter cotton tail

Of course I forgot my camera tonight! Aidan participated in one soccer drill tonight. Hey it's an improvement lol! I feel like it's prob because he doesn't go to preschool or day care or anything! But next week we may try letting grandmas take him and see how that works. I would rather him get something out of it and enjoy even if that means I can't go :-( They got their shirts, shorts and socks tonight! He looks so cute in his jersey!

We then moved onto the Easter Bunny at the mall. Just like Santa, Aidan was star struck and Asher was happy to say "Bye Bye Bunny"! We then went to Moe's and everytime the crew would shout out "Welcome to Moe's" Ash sayin "wemdkfkf MOES!!!!"

I joined a new mommy group. This one is a little more laid back than Mops and closer. They have different activities and you choose which ones you want to go to! This gives me something to look forward to each week! On Friday we are going to the Learning Express where there is a bunny exhibit! So I was reading the profiles of the mommies and so far all are in their 30's with kids under 5. I guess I'll have to say "Hi! I'm Lauren and I'm 25 AND A HALF!! lol"!!

Say a prayer for my MIL tomorrow. She is having 4 teeth pulled WITHOUT anthesia!! Poor thing! I'll be making mad mashed potatos for the next few days!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

26, you can go ahead and say 26. Lord, doesn't that seem like a big change from 25? It's like, okay we've passed the halfway mark for our 20s. Wow. Anyway. Yeesh, seems like all moms groups are like that. Moms in their 30s or moms who really do eat bon bons! lol I wish I could find a young mother's group, that would be perfect!

Santa was a nightmare the first two years, we didn't even bother with any other characters. This past year, the Santa we saw was in non mall situation and I think it helped bigtime! The mood was a lot less stressful.

Can't wait to see some pictures of him in his jersey! Is Mat able to take him? Maybe if Mat got out in the yard with him on the weekends and kicked the ball around, and then took him to practice, it would be a Daddy/son thing. Maybe you could sneak in later! lol

Your poor MIL!! Does she have a negative reaction to anesthsia?