Friday, March 28, 2008

Aidan vs. Asher

Today I decided to have a manly tea party with the boys (hey I will most likely never have a girl so let me have my fun!) We got their stuffed animals together and they loved it! Asher was so cute feeding his "baby" with the plastic spoon and giving the baby a "baba" when he was thirsty. He took care of each of his babies like this! He is going to make a great daddy! Aidan on the other hand threw his babies on the floor and went to crashing his cars. Ahhh siblings!

It was so beautiful all day we started playing outside at about 9am! This afternoon we took a walk to the grandmas and enjoyed a nice afternoon there! Asher went on a long walk with me and Yai-Yai. He was sooo good! Talking and singing and joining in the conversation with us. Aidan stayed behind to help La-La make a flower bed and collect bricks. He will have such a green thumb when he gets older! He certainly hasn't learned any of this from his parents! lol Everyday I've been trying to take a nice pic of the two of them to put as my myspace page. So far no luck!

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