Sunday, March 30, 2008

Go Ashie, Go Ashie...Go Go Go Go!

As i have mentioned before, my Ashie loves to dance. Let's just check out some of his skills

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Blog about food

Aidan and I have been reading green eggs and ham. So I decided to make green eggs this morning. AS DISGUISTING as it looks, Aidan thought it was neat but didn't dive into them like he usually does!!

The other photo is Asher eating yogurt all by himself. Ignore the laundry strown all over the floor, today was spring cleaning day! I scored a bunch of shelving (we have zero closet space) at a yard sale for 3 bucks, so I decided to spruce things up!

Friday, March 28, 2008

More talk about the A Team!

The boys can't stay the same way for too long! All my worrying and gripping about Aidan has diminished! So maybe it was a phase! Oops! lol He is a much better little boy! His fits have lessend and his anger seems to have subsided! I think I just have a very emotional, moody, dramatic little son! He has become quite the little eater! He finshes his meals completely and never complains about food, unless it's green beans! You can't fill him up thats for sure! I love that he still wants me to cuddle with him. I love how he is not a morning person and I need to leave him alone for a few minutes while he fully wakes up. I love how he comes up with such grown up sentences. I love how excited he gets over bugs and lizards!

Asher is my sweet sweet mama's boy! Though when it comes to eating his appetite has become non-exsistent! Yes, I know, he may look like he eats 6 meals a day but that's not true! He picks at his meals and I'm lucky if he finishes one thing on his plate! Aidan has stopped getting in bed with us in the middle of the night and now Asher has started. But I don't complain anymore. I love it and feel lost if he doesn't! I love when I get up to go to the bathroom and he wraps his small arms around my neck and says "way down way down mama". I love how the other day Aidan was calling for help as I was getting ready in the bathroom and Ash was sitting on the floor reading a book. Ash hops up and says "I coming broder I coming broder" and runs to see what Aidan needs. I love how he calls me "hunny" when I'm not answering right away! I just love my boys! I felt like gooshing!!!

Aidan vs. Asher

Today I decided to have a manly tea party with the boys (hey I will most likely never have a girl so let me have my fun!) We got their stuffed animals together and they loved it! Asher was so cute feeding his "baby" with the plastic spoon and giving the baby a "baba" when he was thirsty. He took care of each of his babies like this! He is going to make a great daddy! Aidan on the other hand threw his babies on the floor and went to crashing his cars. Ahhh siblings!

It was so beautiful all day we started playing outside at about 9am! This afternoon we took a walk to the grandmas and enjoyed a nice afternoon there! Asher went on a long walk with me and Yai-Yai. He was sooo good! Talking and singing and joining in the conversation with us. Aidan stayed behind to help La-La make a flower bed and collect bricks. He will have such a green thumb when he gets older! He certainly hasn't learned any of this from his parents! lol Everyday I've been trying to take a nice pic of the two of them to put as my myspace page. So far no luck!

Thursday, March 27, 2008


So I've been on the computer a lot less than normal. I'm trying to steer away because I'm really on it way too much! But ok so the REAL reason is John and Kate plus 8. We have no cable, only bunny ears. So my mom taped all the Jon and Kate plus 8's (and 4 tapes of Noggin). I AM ADDICTED!!! Mat and I put the kids to bed and scramble to put the next tape in! It's great! Most of all, it makes me think I should never ever complain about my two kids!!! Mat will be working this weekend so I will catch up on our busy week!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Oh I forgot!

The BEST part of my Easter! I got a framed Easter picture of the boys! AT first I thought it was professional!! I was like WHEN did they do this??? The boys have never been away from me that long! lol! But I found out they did it one day when the boys were playing at grandmas and I snuck away to throw a load of laundry in! But it was soooooooo cute!! Just the idea of it too! They threw a white sheet in the background, put La-La's bunny (Sassy) in a basket and added some Easter eggs! I'll have to show you when I scan the pic in! They did it all at home!

Happy Easter 2008

First of all let me say how blessed I am to have everyone in my life that I do! For the most part we are healthy and happy and I was happy to them of everyone while celebrating Easter with my own family!

We started off the morning with a visit from the Easter bunny! As Ash would say the Easter Buda Buda Bunnkneee! They got lots of goodies such as a Bunny Mr. Potato head, a kiddie pool for the summer, Alphabet letters for the tub (score with mommy there!), soccer balls, a new monk-monk, and lots of ends and odds! Ashie had the best time going through his things! Paul was diappointed this morning to wake up and see that the EB had not come. So mom called us over real fast only to find out the EB put the baskets in a different room! :-) No soccer goals were constructed this weekend due to lack of parts, so the orange cones worked well!

We then went to church. For the first time they had children's church! We usually have about 4-5 kids including was about 15!! So that was a hoot! Asher stepped up to hold the picture of Jesus and quickly thru him to the ground when he saw the stuffed bunnies! Everyone laughed as the associate pastor apologized to Jesus and blamed it on one of his heavenly children. I had children's church today so we had a massive egg hunt! It was fun but chaotic! I enjoyed hearing what each kid got for Easter. Including the 5ish boy who got an IPOD!!!! I dont even dream of getting one!!! lol I then passed out the Jelly Bean Prayer bags Aidan and I made (ok I made and he ate) lol.

We then came home to another Easter egg hunt, dying eggs, and yummy lunch made by mom! The boys loved having their cousin Paul there! Paul is like an idol to them. For example Paul clubbed Ash with the plastic golf club on accident as he swung for the ball. Didnt phase Ash! He just stared at Paul's next move lol!

I'm sure there is more that I missed but my horrible allerges and sun burnt face says I need to go to bed!!! God Bless!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Out of the Mouth of Babes

Yesterday we found a park here in our new town. They kids had a great time and it was something different for them! We then took a long walk becuase it was so warm and supposed to be nasty the rest of the day, so I tried to do all of our outside time in the AM. Well of course mommy was a little sweatie! Well then lunch and naptime soon followed. I laid down with Aidan to sing Jesus Loves me and say his prayers and he goes *sniff-sniff* "eww Mommy your hair is stinky!!" hahaha I loved it!

Today we went to the library for the regular Thursday story time. The kids read the book "It looked like spilt milk". Well Aidan sat there so good and soaked up everyword while Ashie was engrossed in saying "Hey baby" (to all the younger siblings) and rubbed their hair, looked at the fishes, played on the computer, and stared at the boy who was having a snack.

Tonight we have no water. Another reason to add to my list of why I HATE well water. We can't fiqure out what is wrong with it. So we have to wait till tomorrow to get someone (hopefully) out here to fix it! I guess mommy will have stinky hair until tomorrow! lol

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Here comes peter cotton tail

Of course I forgot my camera tonight! Aidan participated in one soccer drill tonight. Hey it's an improvement lol! I feel like it's prob because he doesn't go to preschool or day care or anything! But next week we may try letting grandmas take him and see how that works. I would rather him get something out of it and enjoy even if that means I can't go :-( They got their shirts, shorts and socks tonight! He looks so cute in his jersey!

We then moved onto the Easter Bunny at the mall. Just like Santa, Aidan was star struck and Asher was happy to say "Bye Bye Bunny"! We then went to Moe's and everytime the crew would shout out "Welcome to Moe's" Ash sayin "wemdkfkf MOES!!!!"

I joined a new mommy group. This one is a little more laid back than Mops and closer. They have different activities and you choose which ones you want to go to! This gives me something to look forward to each week! On Friday we are going to the Learning Express where there is a bunny exhibit! So I was reading the profiles of the mommies and so far all are in their 30's with kids under 5. I guess I'll have to say "Hi! I'm Lauren and I'm 25 AND A HALF!! lol"!!

Say a prayer for my MIL tomorrow. She is having 4 teeth pulled WITHOUT anthesia!! Poor thing! I'll be making mad mashed potatos for the next few days!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Get Service

I just love this video.

Happy St. Patty's Day!

We did nothing "green" to celebrate but I tried baking a cake with the kids! I cut holes in either ends of the eggs to save them to dye this weekend. This is what Aidan is doing in one of the pics, blowing the egg into the cake batter. We all had a great time! Tomorrow we are going to soccer then to see the "Bunny Bun" (easter bunny as aidan calls it) at the mall! Woohoo!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Updates on The Boys!

Oh how the boys are changing everyday! Everyday it's something new or different or fun! I mean don't get me wrong all three of us have our break downs (lo, me Aidan and Asher that is). Mommy even put herself in time-out today or she was going to explode! I wish I could bottle up all that fun and happinesses and put it into words but I'll try my best!

Today, Asher was beating the TV with a toy and I said "Ashie I'm gonna spank that toushie if you don't stop!" He stops, walks over to me and turns around sticking his butt out at me. I was laughing so hard I couldn't do anything but laugh! He is more than ever flapping his gums! Talk talk talk! And a dancing machine! He will dance to anything that plays! He is starting to form sentences like "I hurt foot, Broder trrrooouble, I hungee, Tank you mama, I go Grandmas house. Tonight's newest phrase was "Where Thumpkin?"

We were in an office the other day and the lady looked at their charts and gasps "Oh my! No wonder they are so wrestless! They are so young! She said I thought the oldest was 5 and the younger was three". Oh no I say 3 and 18 months. Then she had to preceed to walk down the hall and ask two different people "How old do you think they are?". Yes woman I know they are big kids lol!

Aidan is growing and changing everyday. We are still having a big problem with his temper and attitude. It's something I'm going to talk to his peditrician about. I feel like it's getting past the point of "a phase" or "the terrible threes". But he does have his good moments. Tonight he helped me make spagetti by breaking up the noodles and "washing" the dishes. He loves nature and pointing out different insects. He can write an A now. He could read 24/7 if I had the time and patience lol! We have started going to the library every Thursday to Story Time. He sits right up front and listens intently. My Ashie likes to rearrange the chairs and sit beside the older kids and touch their hair (Aidans got the ear fetish and Ash has got the hair! lol) He may be 3 but he is still my cuddler and love bug! Or as I call him my sweet angel!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Waaaaay Behind!

No nothing pressing we have been up to has kept me from blogging....I just got lazy!! So here's an update on our lives.

Soccer!! Last Tuesday was Aidan's 1st soccer practice. Coach was a no show so the 3 kids that showed up just kicked around the ball but he LOVED it!! I was PISSED though!!! He looked longingly at the other teams and how much fun they were having with their coaches!! I emailed the program director. He mailed me back explaining how he was told she called AND emailed all the parents saying pratice was cancelled. 1. How are you going to disappoint nine 3-4 year old by canceling the first practice 2. Funny how "I must have provided the wrong email AND phone number" and the same goes for the other 3 parents/kids that showed. You had no prob calling me on sun saying that there was going to be a pratice this week!! 3. I called the front desk that day asking if any practices had been cancelled AND Mathew asked again before we left home (he got there early). But all in all he had so much fun....the first time.

Stomach Bug!! First it was Asher, then me, then Aidan. Fun stuff. Aidan says "I grow up" instead of "I throw up!" I wanted to shoot myself where as the kids got sick then got back to bouncing off the walls lol!

Soccer Pratice Week !!! Ooohhh I was even madder...with Aidan this time! He wouldnt do ANYTHING!! He wouldn't participate or even go near the field. NOTHING worked! I was about to send Ash into the field because he wanted to play sooo bad!! So we opted for CiCi's to calm ourselves ;-)

Last Weekend!!! Paul came down with Auntie Melissa and UNcle Brandon. They brought their dog (maltese) with them and it stayed at our house!! Made me want a dog even worse!! Made me want a third child even less ;-)

Time Change!!! AKA kids sleep "later" lol. So does mom! I don't think I could go back to work! I had an 8am appt in town (30 mins away) to get Allstate to look at the damage to the truck. Yeah usually the 6:30 alarm clock of two scurrying feet always wakes me up. I wake up at 7:30am and roll back over. :-)

And thats my lazy update!
And thats my lazy update!

Monday, March 3, 2008

What a day! What a day! My baby brother ran away and now my tuba will not play!

Anybody else remember that book? hahaha Oh yes what a day it has been! Why is it so much easier to bitch rather than compliment? Oh well thats what blogging is for! :-) So here goes....

We start off at about 10am. I put Ashie into the carseat and Aidan is running in the yard. I go to get him and he is up to his knees in ants. Damn ant hills. We need to find something that will terminate them forever!!! Luckily he didnt get bit (just me). So I load everyone into the car and notice that a sippee cup (ya know the "non spill ones" hahahaha) has exploded in my diaper bag. So I lay everything in the truck to dry because I'm not going into one place long enough that I need to drag the bag in with me. I go to the tax office to get a sticker for our cars so we can dump trash. Bitch of all bitches waited on me! Apprantly it was my fault the world turns lol. Next is Food Lion. I pull into a parking space. As I am turning the Uhaul that is parked next to me has not secured his door shut. The wind blows it open as I am turning and it scraps allll down the door of our flawless silver Toyota truck. So we wait to hash out insurance and file a police report. Thank goodness my MIL is with me! So we deal with that and finally run in for the 4 things we needed. I had Ashie in the cart and he spills the candy that he was eating. I bent down to pick it up and as I was coming up he was falling out (he had stood up...there was no seatbelt... I just had to get 4 things...)...I catch him as my heart races. So he resides on my hip as we continue shopping. Aidan runs behind a cardboard fixture. I go to scold him and he yells back at me as people gasp and stare. I break down because of the events that happened between 10am and 12:30pm. I regain my composure and hurry home to read the section in my new book about "Back Talking" . I am a mommy and I love my job. I am a mommy and I love my job. I AM A MOMMY AND I LOVE MY JOB!!!!!!!! Ok thanks guys I feel better!

On a better note my sister Kirsten came to visit this weekend!!! We had so much fun and she LOVED spending time with the boys!! They loved having her and Ashie still asks for her daily! Though I think I scared her from EVER having kids!!!! 6:30am wake up calls, half eaten food being placed in her hand, poopie diapers, and non ending days really tired her out lol! We can't wait to see her again!

Aidan starts soccer tomorrow!!! It's supposed to rain! Pray it holds out!!