Friday, October 5, 2007

MOPS and such

On Thursday I started MOPS. Mothers of Preschoolers. This is a WONDERFUL group full of moms (some working, most not)! We meet at a church and have a wonderful time of fellowship! We eat breakfast, blab about our kids, take prayer requests (which one included praying for the mom who had to go through her kids poop because she swallowed a silver marble ball), pray, more blabbing, do group activites and made a craft. Best part: 2 hours and a half hours with no kids!! No, but seriuosly it's nice to get aidan and asher around other kids without mommy present. Asher could have cared less but Aidan had a hard time leaving me! But the group was fun and it was nice to be around other mom with young kids! I loved hearing their stories, knowing thier mommy secrets and most of all feeling that I AM NOT ALONE!!
At one point, we got into groups and were supposed to discuss our holiday traditions. I hate this I'm sitting their thinking the last 2 christmas's I had babies that had no clue what Christmas was. We haven't really developed any traditions!! Only chaos! Remember when Christmas was just fun, presents, and seeing family...well now we are in charge of all the behind the scenes stuff!! So, I sit back hoping no one calls on me too answer, as my fears finally subside. I expect these mothers to start bringing up baking cookies, handmade ornaments, giving to charties...but I was wrong. The answer included 1) the big fight with the husband about which in-laws to go to 2) what is the present limit for the kids this year 3) which Christmas decorations, that the MIL gave you, to make "disappear" this year! I love this group! To learn more

Well I need to update on the kids! Aidan is saying his ABC' proud of him! He hates green beans but loves every other food! He is PETRIFIED of Halloween. Daddy and La-La both scared him with a mask so now he shrills at Halloween stuff. We cannot go near the Halloween section in Walmart. The first time we did this after the "incidents" he clunged to me shaking as I hurried out of there! So the trick-or-treating will be interesting! He loves to count-everything! Which I am glad, don't get me wrong, but I get evil looks from some people as Aidan is pointing at them to count them....they must not have kids...123678911! He is so proud of himself!

Poor Ashie has a cold and cough, which has kept him from going to sleep like normal (he must now be cuddled-I love this though because I miss it sooo much already!) and he wakes up a lot! We had some great alone time tonight, Mat and aidan went to Grandma's house. So it was just me and Ashie. I just starred at him tonight and noticed for the first time my "baby" is now a toddler! Makes me soo sad! He was so cute tonight running from me and giggling and stomping his foot to "If you are happy and you know it stomp your feet". He has 12 teeth. He loves any food. Though if I put all his food togther he will eat everything but the meat. He is not a meat fan! He is doing so good with his manners. He can sign more eat, please and thank you! I thought it would take forever to teach a one year old how to sign but he really picked it up. His favorite phrase to say is "All-dooone", whether it's eating or bathing or playing.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

SO cute as always. Good for you for getting into MOPS! I need to do something like that, I'm just dragging my feet. Caleb went through a "she's a mommy" phase, where he would call every female from 7 to 77 a mom...yeah...I got some looks. ;)