Friday, October 12, 2007

Aidan or Asher?

So we have a humidifier sitting on the boys dresser we turn on at night due to Ashie's cold. This morning I walked in and the top of it was dumped over and someone had poured it all in Ashie's crib. So I scolded Aidan for it and made him stay in his room for a few minutes for time out. Well Ashie had woken up from his nap this afternoon and Mat walked in to get him. Where was he? STANDING on the dresser shaking the top of the humidifier into his crib!! I felt so bad I had punished Aidan, when Ashie might have been the culprit. So looking past all that...HOW did my 13 month old climb out of his crib (that has the railing up and mattress all the way down!) onto the dresser??? There will be a changing around of the room and I will take the humidifier out when I go to bed!!

So I created a "Chore List" for Aidan to follow daily: Pick up Toys, Make Bed, and Brush Teeth (ok so this is more to remind me more than him lol). Each morning I remind Aidan and teach him how to make his bed. Well, this morning I walked in and he said "Look mama, I makea my bed!" I was so proud of him!! He had made his bed all by his self! No, nowhere near perfect but he did it and he was so proud!

Last weekend we attended Riverfest! The fun parts included: Aidan getting to go into a fire truck, Aidan more interested in seeing inside a portapotty than the fire truck, the boys riding the mechnical animals at the kid zone. The REALLY fun parts included: the 90 degree weather beating down on all of us, Ashie screaming non-stop because he was miserable, Ashie throwing down a whole slushie just seconds after purchasing it and people not moving out of the way of a double stroller full of 60+ pounds.

All 4 of us enjoyed a picnic at the park yesterday! Finally the weather was BEAUTIFUL! Ashie enjoyed launching himself down the slides on his tummy...fearless child! Aidan was quite worried that the little boy in the Halloween costume would come back. We had went the day before and encountered a scary Halloween costume (PLEASE you mother of the child- do NOT let your child wear a scary Halloween costume to the park).

I Pray- I pray for all these school shooting to stop. I pray that not another child will be hurt during all these recalls being made. I pray for not another life to be taken in this war. There's so much bad to pray for these days but I am thankful for the happiness my friends and family share!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Too hilarious about the humidifier! Scott always says (from some comedian), you're not really parents unless you have more than one kid, because with just one, you always know whodunit. I moved Caleb to a toddler bed when he was 13 months (although we were cosleeping, he wasn't in a crib)

It is scary today. I can't even watch the news. I wrote that entry for the Some Gave All website a few days ago. It took me a few hours, even though it wasn't that long. And I keep going back and looking at that kid's face. Because to me, he is a kid. You shouldn't have to be afraid to send your child to school.