Tuesday, December 18, 2007


So much to do so little time!! Me and the kids are leaving for Oxford on Friday until Sunday. Monday Christmas with my mom's family in Raleigh, drive back Monday evening, Christmas with Minnie that night, Christmas Eve service at 8:30pm then spend the night at Grandmas. Then Christmas day at grandmas. So bewteen today and Thursday I have more Christmas shopping, laundry washing (all the "good clothes of course"), packing, wrapping and panicking!

Asher is doing great so far. We went to the ped. yesterday and she says she has seen cases like this but there is no explaination. If it continues to happen we are taking him to a Pediatric Neurologist. But hopefully it won't come to that and he will continue to improve!!! Thanks for all your prayers and concerns!

We were in church Sunday and Asher sang along with the choir. "sing, sing , singsing, sing" he says!! He will be the next American Idol! Aidan is too qucik for me and I can't "slide things by him anymore". For example, his Daddy got a haircut and he came home and then went back out again (the lady at Walgreens overfilled our printer cartridge and he went back to raise hell when it leaked all over our printer). Aidan says "where daddy going? going to get haircut?" instead of explaining the Walgreens trip to him I said yes Aidan. He snaps back "No mommy he already got haircut! Where Daddy going?" Oops!

We went to the CARE Christmas party on Sunday night. This is for the kids affected with HIV/AIDS. It was so nice to see the excitement on their faces for all their toys and good food! Makes me think how grateful I am to have such healthy kids and to be able to provide a Christmas for them!!! Everyday Aidan asks Santa for his kitchen and I don't know what I would do if we couldn't afford a Christmas for them!! After that we went to the Christmas Cantata at church. That lasted all of 5 mins before I said ok thats it we are leaving!

Today is haircuts, maybe a cute shirt for Aidan (because we must look perfectly adorable right Rach lol), and shopping for my family! God bless us during this wonderful? time of year! :-)


Rachel said...
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Rachel said...

*deleted and reposted comment to fix all my typos :) *

Oh my gosh, they are sooooo cute!! Love that picture! And of course I like your header image! :) I'll have to make you another one after the holidays for that space!

I really really hope Oxford goes okay. I'll be thinking about you all weekend! Yep, got to dress our best, an extra heap of cuteness is required. Take you a puke kit and extra clothes this time! lol I keep a trash bag, bottle of water, and roll of paper towels in the car usually. I learned the hard way too. He's supposed to have clothes in there too, but I need to check that. Sounds like you have a busy time til Christmas, everyone is in the final rush now! I have a ton to do, and I'm sitting here not doing any of it!

Too funny about Aidan, almost like he was just trying to trick you! Not much gets by em nowadays does it?! I have Christmas presents packed in our bedroom with blankets over them. Luckily is it such a junky mess in there, that he doesn't even blink. I know this will be the last year I can do that!

We are pretty lucky aren't we. Thanks for reminding me. My heart goes out to parents that will spend Christmas in NICU's and PICU's and pediatric hospitals.

Good luck in o-town, I bet it will be like stepping back in time, with all the Christmas decos up...