Just updating the boys sizes! Aidan is 35.5 pounds and 36 and 5/8's tall. Asher is 30 and 2/8's tall and weighs 25 pounds. Aidan wears a 3T/4T and size 9 shoe. Asher wears 18/24months and wears a size 5 shoe. The other morning I walked into their room and they were both laying in the crib curled up next to each other. A moment I wanted to capture forever!! Aidan is being very "fatherly" lately. He'll rub Ashie's back and say "Don't cry. It be ok" or "Poor baby" if he falls. He also takes his stuffed animals and pushes them in the stroller or rocks them or puts them "nite nite". He is also very involved with cooking. He "takes my order" and then cooks me some food. Oh yes! He is SO getting a kitchen and an Easy Bake Oven for Christmas! Luckily his father's dream is to be a chef, so maybe he'll go for it? Ashie now says "Elbow" (Elmo), "Here", Cook-Cook (food or juice) and "Ouch!"
1 comment:
AAAAAAAAAAAAAwe that is sooo cute! They woke up and didn't let you get a picture did they?! There is a little kitchen that is more like an outdoor grill. I think it is little tikes, but if not, then obviously step 2. It has an umbrella over top with two stools/a countertop on one side and the grill on the other, with a fridge and stuff. Scott has thrown such a fit over a kitchen, that I just gave up. Too cute though. Caleb's feet are huge too. I miss those little tiny baby feet! So wait, is Asher's bday tomorrow?? I bet you will cry! :)
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