Thursday, September 27, 2007

Little Mr. Independent!

That's my Asher! He is developing QUITE the personality! He is getting into all kinds of things! He takes the little stool we have, brings it over to the coffee table, climbs up and stands in the middle of the table (of course when I'm not looking)! He will be playing with something he isn't supposed to and when I tell him to give it me he will run away squealing! He copies EVERYTHING Aidan does! I love it when they both get to giggling soo hard they can barely breathe! He just talks up a storm now! He knows exactly what he is saying! I don't but he sure does!

Aidan has been Little Mr. Daddy! For the past few days he has adopted a "baby" (random teddy bear). This baby is spoiled rotten! He must have shoes, bottle, blankie, diaper and juice cup. The only problem is keeping Ashie away from baby because he loves to cuddle a stuffed animal! This has rubbed off on Ashie, Daddy, and Mommy. He has been very lovely dovey. Don't get me wrong he is still a TERRIBLE TWO but the past few days he has been really gentle. He wants to "carry" Ashie to bed, cover him up and give him his Curiuos George. Last night Aidan and I were cuddling on the couch and Daddy went outside to smoke. He knocked on the window and Aidan and I were pretending we were scared. Aidan got on top of me and said "Mommy, I got you! No be scared. It's ok, Aidan got you" I meeeelted! He is cuddling with Daddy right now watching Dumbo, rubbing his ear and sucking his thumb!

I was telling a friend tonight about a quote I heard. Something about you know you are the mother of boys when your coffee table is filled with trucks and cars. This is true of our household. I put a cute little pumpkin and scarecrow on the coffee table when seconds later they were rammed off the table by two little Tonka trucks. Maybe I'll decorate when they get older ;-)

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

My Brave Two Year Old

What a day! These two pictures are the before and after shots! Before: I took the kids to the Arboretum (sp?) today. Thought it would be a pleasant, fun and new experience for them! They have paths of gardens, flowers, fountains, and a playhouse for the kids. We stopped to take a picture in front of the fountain. We then decided to go into the children's garden. We walked onto the wooden board (planks) walkway. I was pushing the stroller with my happy excited baby, as I looked at my two-year old gleefully running ahead of me towards the playhouse, I was just thinking how peaceful and wonderful this site was when......BOOM! Aidan took a spill. He gashed his head open on a piece of the wood. Poor baby was bleeding so bad! It was small but it was deep. I could see if gapping open! TERRIFYING I say! He cried for a bit (a real cry...not the usual whine!) and then by the time we got back to the car he was fine.

So we arrive at the ER and go to check in. At this moment I knew nothing about my child, I was so frazzled! He asked Aidan's date of birth....umm, well, uh, I, oh yeah! 2/19/05! The worst was his middle name...I was really stumped!! lol!! my own child!! I just kept thinking about a million other things!! Well 3 hours and two cranky babies later, he finally got 4 stiches!! I cried along with him! All you mothers out there think shots are tramatic?? This was a million times worse!! I never wanted more to trade places with him as I did then. But he was so brave!! Of course he cried during the stiches but did GREAT the rest of the day!! Whew what a day!!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Updates on all

Wow! It's been a while since I have written. So much has happened! The boys are growing so fast! Tonight Asher touched his nose and said "Nos". Daddy was looking for a book to read to Aidan and Aidan replied "Daddy,(it) should be right here" (pointing to the coffee table). He also got mad at Daddy tonight and he put his hands on his hips and said "Gosh I am so mad at Daddy!". Maybe mommy should start watching her words!

Asher is growing like a weed! And so is his hair! He is one year old and already has had 5 haircuts! He is practically running now! He is very steady on his feet, unlike Aidan who wobbled and stumbled until almost 2 years old! He is learning sign language. He knows the sign for "more eat". So if he is hungry he signs. It's so cute- if he is really hungry he does it really really fast! He had his bottle (that we have made no attempts to wean him off of :-() sitting on the coffee table and Daddy was pretending to reach for it and Asher grabbed it and said "Mine!". He has learned that when he says "mama" he gets a response from me. So he is saying frequently! He lovingly gave Aidan cuddles and kisses tonight. So sweet! He loves his little girlfriend (our neighbor). He gets so excited with squealing and huge smiles when he sees her. He continues to give her hugs and kisses!

Now Aidan....Aidan is two. He is giving me a time with his fits! The tantrums and screams in Walmart and the running away from me in dept stores (talk about heart stopping!-just happened the other day!). He just ran to the next aisle but it's a fear I never want to feel again!!! He is testing us and it's driving me crazy! I feel like I am yelling at him all the time! When he wants to be, he is very sweet and loving. But here lately he is a holy terror!! But he did do the cutest thing today and I caught the very end of it. He must have climbed over the baby gate in the kitchen, grabbed a cup that was sitting on the edge of the bar, went into the fridge, got out the milk, opened it and poured himself a glass of milk. And might I add hardly spilling any!!! My big boy brings tears to my eyes to see how much he is growing up!!

Mat and I are doing well! I still LOVE being a stay at home mom! I think this cool weather has put a spring cleaning bug in me! I am into organizing. I am buying many rubbermaid containers so everything will have a place. I think I have developed OCD! My goal is for everything in the house to have a label and a box to go in! LOL! Mathew is doing well. Enjoying his job (as much as you can enjoy a job!) and going to "man-night" with Wes. They joke and say it's one night where they go into the man room and drink and smoke with guns and knives laying out! Umm when's MOM night?!!

We recently took a wonderful trip to Oxford! We saw DDoc whom the boys just adore! Aidan and Asher also saw my mom and dad for the second time and are getting to know one another. Things are going good with that and both parents and boys really seem to enjoy each others company!! I think a lot of prayers have been answered! They also saw my grandparents in Raleigh, Papa and G-G-Ma! Grandma said she feels so blessed to have her kids, grandkids and GREAT-grand kids under one roof!! Asher even crawled up in Papa's lap and feel asleep!

Well as you might see on my myspace page the I felt as if I don't have enough to do so this is my new project! My mother-in-laws have started an online buisness. They both work full-time and have kind of put it to the side. They asked me to try to get it back on track! So I am currently the "marketing manager" for the website. So if ya'll know anyone who would like a leather coat..send them to the website!!

Friday, September 7, 2007

Things I'll Never Forget

*Aidan running up to the ice cream truck and all by himself saying, "I want some icecream". The man asks okay what kind? Aidan responds "Umm I want Dora". The man gives him the icecream bar and Aidan gives him the money. All by himself. I teared up!

*Telling the boys "Ok boys lets go take a bath". Then watching as Aidan starts walking up the stairs and Asher's little naked butt toddling after him.

*A child takes a toy away from Asher and Aidan grabs the toy back, gives it to Asher, and goes over to asher and puts his arm around him and says, "That Ashie's toy. He is playing"

*I lean over to hug and kiss Aidan and after I do he says "OK get off me now".

*Ashie grabbing onto my leg and hanging on for dear life when he is shy or afraid.

*Grandma trying to explain to aidan that daddy is her baby. Aidan responds, "Daddy not baby, Daddy is Daddy!"

*Ashie's big bright smile plastered on his face Morning, Noon, or Night

*Ashie's obsession for curious george

Sunday, September 2, 2007